
Program Objectives:

This program aims at producing with diverse potentials of working as line managers characterized by quick market adaptability in the fluid market. To this end the program is set to have the following objectives.

  • To enable the students to have the core business knowledge and their applications.
  • To enable them to acquire potential for recognizing the need to adapt business practices to the opportunities and challenges of an evolving local and global business enviroment.
  • To have good communication skills so as to convey business messages effectively.
  • Work effectively, respectfully, ethically and professionally in the challenging market.
  • Be capable of working in team by employing team building skills to facilitate collaborative behaviors to achieve group and organizational goals and objectives.
  • Recognize enterpreneural opportunities for new business ventures;and
  • Be capable of making basic investment and financing decisons using financial management concepts, and methods

Program Outcomes:

On the completion of the degree, the passed out graduate would be expected to have:

  • Acquired the core knowledge about business and their respective applications;
  • Acquired the requisite potential for recognizing the need to adapt business practices to the opportunities and challenges of an evolving local and global business environments;
  • Develop good communication skills through which they could communicate effectively;
  • The potential to work effectively, respectfully, ehically and professionally in the challenging market;
  • The forte of working in the team by employing team building skills to facilitate collaborative behaviors to achieve group and organizational goals and objectives.
  • Acquired the potential to recognize enterpreneurial opportunities for new business ventures;and
  • The core capabilites of making basic investment and financing decisions foa a business using financial management concepts, and methods.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates holding Intermediate certificate(I.Com, DBA, D,Com, F.A, F.Sc) with at least 45% marks or A-levels (22 points) with Equivalency Certificate from IBCC Islamabad or an euivalent certificate from a recognized institution are eligible to apply.
  • Candidates needs to pass an entry test and an aptitute interview conducted by the university.