
Program Objectives:

  • To provide a solid foundation in Computer Science that supports an interdisciplinary education with liberal arts framework and prepares students for professions in computing sciences and information sciences in general.
  • To help students to develop the abilities to predict, to analyze, thinking ceitically, to deduct and consider alternatives to be creative as problem solvers.
  • To develop courses and human resources that view computer sicence as part of the human endeavor, that is, to see computer science in relation with more general intellectual development to the needs of society.
  • To foster an aptitude and desire for life-long learning and make the draduate capable to adopt new emerging technologies for the new generation.
  • To achieve a sounda base to pursue if desire post graduate degree education and research. It demonstrate confidence in applying knowledge of computing and mathematics.

Program Outcomes:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics to the appropriate discipline.
  • An ability to analyze a problem and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solutions.
  • An ability to desing, implement and evaluate a cumputer-based system, process, component, or program, including software system of varying complexity, to meet desired needs.
  • An understanding of professional, ehtical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities
  • An ability to analyze and evaluate performane trade offs of algorithms, data structures and hardware solutions.
  • An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Intermediate (Pre-Engineering/ Computer Science/Pre-Medical) with at least 50% marks or A-levels (22 points) with equivalency certificate from IBCC Islamabad or an euivalent certificate from a recognized institution are eligible to apply.
  • Pre Medical Must Pass deficiency courses of mathematics of 6 credit hours with in first year of their regular studies.
  • Candidates need to pass an entry test/ an aptitute interview conducted by the university.